
El programa de mentoring cruzado entre las compañías que componen ClosinGap busca favorecer y acelerar el desarrollo profesional del talento femenino, así como avanzar en medidas de apoyo que contribuyan a la ruptura del techo de cristal.

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Qué es

Se trata de una iniciativa que surge en el marco de colaboración del grupo de trabajo de Recursos Humanos de ClosinGap, en la que más de 50 mujeres comparten, durante un año, sus experiencias y trayectorias profesionales, con el objetivo de generar vínculos y relaciones valiosas.


El proyecto tiene el objetivo de acelerar el desarrollo profesional de mujeres identificadas con potencial y talento dentro de las empresas de la asociación, para que avancen en su carrera profesional y tengan las herramientas y oportunidades para potenciar su liderazgo.

Edición 2023-2024 Mentoring Cruzado

Last April, we celebrated the closing of the third edition of our cross-mentoring program. We closed a new edition of this initiative, which promotes female talent, with a very special closing session held at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

The event featured an opening by Pilar Laguna Sánchez (Rey Juan Carlos University) and a presentation of the results by Patricia Sanz, Vice President of Equality, Human Resources and Institutional Culture, and Digital Inclusion at ONCE, and one of the advocates of this program that has already trained over a hundred women.

In an inspirational talk, we had the pleasure of welcoming Marta Zúñiga Ascunce, director of Talent Juice and an expert in leadership and talent development. In her talk, we gained valuable insights on how to enhance female leadership through relationship-building and the personal growth of women.

Additionally, we enjoyed an interesting conversation between a mentor and mentee about the learnings and experiences from this edition, featuring María Rodríguez González (Redeia) and Cristina Vázquez Pelegrí (CaixaBank) and moderated by Marta Granero Burillo (MAPFRE).

In the final part of this intense day, we enjoyed a Speed Dating networking dynamic where different mentors and mentees shared their experiences.

An exciting day that encourages us to continue dedicating efforts and resources to the promotion of female talent and the visibility of female role models.